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5-Day: Watch Out! Construction Zone!

We have begun our 5-Day construction theme this week and are having so much fun. Our dramatic play is noisy with hammering and measuring, drilling and sawing. We witnessed a lot of cooperation as children held the tape measure so another could read the numbers or steadied a nail for another to hammer it as well as lots of discussions of "Where should this block go?" while hard hats bent over plans.

Throughout the week, math concepts were strengthened, first, by using geoboards to create a 2-dimensional shape. Later, these same shapes were implemented to design a 3-dimensional shape with architectural blocks. Properties of balance were tested daily in the block area with a variety of foam shapes in various sizes. The small table has a challenge of "Can you build this?" There are wooden block designs at the table, which the children try to copy with wooden blocks. Magnatiles were a big hit at the small table one day for small group play and, then, at the large table the next day for a different way to use the same materials. We incorporated magnets into our activities for exploration on how to build with them, how they repel at one end and attract at another, and how they can connect in a long chain. The class experimented with carpentry tools and playdough to see how they work and to see what designs they could make.

Literature is an important part of our day, beginning with large group reading at meeting. The books this week covered content from how skyscrapers are made and how a house is built. Both discussed construction, using different tools and machines. After reading If I Built A House, they drew their own designs as a response to the literature. Cooperatively, the class colored in a large sign reading "Construction Zone" to decorate the classroom. Using magnets and tongs, the children had to find the upper and lower case letters hiding in the corn kernels and then match them on paper. We also explored the beginning sounds of tools by matching the letters on pictures with bubble letters and dotting them in--wrench was a little tricky!

The children painted with orange, yellow and black (construction colors), but added drops of white and black to create different shades of these colors. We also painted with cars, looking at the difference between tire tracks and tread marks.

5-Day also began our new Showtime building with architectural blocks. It was wonderful to see their creativity and pride in what they designed.

Thank you for putting time aside so we could confer with you about your amazing children. If you still need to schedule a conference, we can gladly find a time.

Some books we read:

Mighty, Mighty Construction Site

Night, Night Construction Site

If I Built a House

A Day in the Life of a Builder

Clever Jack Takes the Cake

Caroline and Cathy

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