3-Day: Crunchy Hay, Hoof Prints and Muddy Pigs on the Farm
As we were setting up the room after lunch bunch on Wednesday, I looked at Mayson and said, "For some reason I feel like this might be the last time we set up our room for a while..." I never imagined that would actually happen. It's an unsettling time for all of us. I'm sure your children may have questions about having no school and that big word that starts with a "C". What does it mean? www.pbs.org has a great article about talking to your young children about the virus:
We attempted to gallop into our farm unit this week beginning with farm animals; we'll then cover harvest and operations of the farm next week and conclude with a week of baby chicks, as we hatch our incubating eggs during the week of March 21st. This, unfortunately, came to an abrupt halt with the temporary closing of Bowen.
We are hoping you will work with us to make some connections to the the farm in your play at home. Mayson and I will be sending some helpful tips, craft ideas, sensory experiences, songs and literature recommendations for you to share with your children over the next couple of weeks.
On Monday, the children were very excited to see all the farm animals, toys, dress up clothes and puzzles! They used farm animals to make hoof prints on a large backdrop for our muddy pigs created on Wednesday when we painted felt piglets with brown dirty paint. Children had fun with sensory experiences using tiny farm animals in green playdoh and the best muddy slime with dirty pigs!
Our discovery table was filled with crunchy hay and large farm animals on Monday, but, on Wednesday, children discovered all the farmer's pigs rolling in the mud! Luckily, there was a soapy warm bath and a warm corralled area to dry. The children loved washing off the mud, only to jump their pigs back in.
We read The Farm in the Meadow, The Animals of Farmer Jones and Moo Moo Brown Cow. We spent a lot of time singing "Old McDonald Had a Farm" and your children loved the "Five Little Ducks went out to play..." song!
We will certainly be missing the kids and hope that you all survive the forced family fun time together!
Look for an email next week with some fun activities to try.
Take care and stay well.
Karen and Mayson