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Director's Column: Spread the Word! Enrollment is Open!

Enrollment for 2020-2021 has opened, and classroom tours for new families have begun. There are many preschools in and around Newton, and the process can be overwhelming for new parents! I know that once parents step through the doors, they can see what a special place Bowen is; the challenge is how to make ourselves stand out among the many choices, so that people want to walk through the doors. A few years ago, we completely redesigned our website, and feedback has been overwhelmingly positive. I have had a few long distance families sign up based solely on what they saw on our website! Our main goal was to try and convey the feel of our school and community through the layout, photos, and text, and I certainly feel the website and PR teams succeeded. We also get a lot of visitors to our Facebook and Instagram pages, where prospective parents can get a peek into all the exciting things that are currently happening in the classrooms. Ultimately though, the best and most effective way of spreading the word about our school is YOU. Most parents who come in to tour tell me that they have heard wonderful things about us from friends, neighbors, parent forums, etc. Nothing beats hearing another parent talk honestly and enthusiastically about their own experience. So thank you all for helping us build and maintain our strong reputation! We are already off to a strong start to our enrollment season. We have tours coming in nearly every day over the next few weeks. If you see a new parent coming in, help us to welcome them! Best, Nina

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